Hercules RMX VDJscript Mapper Settings

Here are some VDJscript settings that some people will find useful if they are using the Hercules RMX DJ Controller and Virtual DJ software:

Button VDJscript Comment
PLAY play_pause
STOP holding ? unload : stop
CUE cue
CROSSFADER crossfader
VOLUME volume
MASTER_VOLUME master_volume
PFL select & wheel_mode "search" while_pressed This allows you move extremely quickly through a song when you hold "Cue Select" and rotate the jog wheel
LOAD loop ? wheel_mode "loop_move" while_pressed : load A very handy way of moving the position of a loop - press and hold "Load" button and rotate the jog wheel
UP browser_scroll -1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed
DOWN browser_scroll +1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed
LEFT browser_folder & wheel_mode "browser" while_pressed
RIGHT browser_window "songs" & wheel_mode "browser" while_pressed
SYNC sync
TRACK- loop ? wheel_mode "loop_move" 1 ? nudge -10ms : loop_half : nudge -10ms Reduce loop length to half its current length OR if the wheel_mode is in loop_move mode (holding the Load button down) then nudge back -10ms OR if not in loop mode at all simply nudge back -10ms
TRACK+ loop ? wheel_mode "loop_move" 1 ? nudge +10ms : loop_double : nudge +10ms Double the current loop length OR if the wheel_mode is in loop_move mode (holding the Load button down) then nudge back +10ms OR if not in loop mode at all simply nudge back +10ms
PITCH pitch_slider
BALANCE master_balance
EQ_HIGH eq_high
EQ_MID eq_mid
EQ_LOW eq_low
EQ_KILL_HIGH eq_kill_high
EQ_KILL_MID eq_kill_mid
EQ_KILL_LOW eq_kill_low
SCRATCH down ? master_volume 50% : master_volume 100% Useful as an alternative to the Mic on/off where you want to drop the master_volume by 50% while talking and return it to normal (100%) upon release of the button
GAIN gain_slider
PFL_MIX headphone_mix
PITCH_RESET pitch_reset
BEATLOCK beatlock
SOURCE get hastimecode ? timecode_bypass : vinyl_mode
BUTTON1 loop_in Use buttons 1 and 4 to start and stop the loop (enable smart loop so the number of bars will be rounded off)
BUTTON2 effect "Flanger" active on while_pressed Enable effect while button is pressed - easier than using two separate buttons for enable/disable
BUTTON3 effect "FlippingDouble" active on while_pressed See BUTTON 2 above
BUTTON4 loop_out See BUTTON1 above
BUTTON5 effect "BeatGrid" active on while_pressed See BUTTON 2 above
BUTTON6 effect "Forward_Reverse" active on while_pressed See BUTTON 2 above
JOG effect active ? param_multiply 300% & effect slider 1 : jog_wheel NOTE: This one may need tweaking
LED_STOP pause
LED_PLAY loaded ? play ? on : on blink
LED_CUE cue_stop

If any of you can recommend additional or alternative settings please leave feedback below.
